الأحد، 27 يناير 2008

مناجاة...ya allah(monjah

My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah
There is nothing in my heart except Allah
حسبى ربى جل الله
مافى قلبى غير الله

Truly He is the One

He has no father or son
Everything in creation was by Him begun
With His infinite power anything could be done
Ask Allah for His PardonAnd
you’ll enter the Garden
هو الواحد الاحد
الذى لم يلد ولم يولد
بيده كل شيىء
هو القادر على كل شيىء
اسال الله العفو وسيدخلك الجنة باذنه

My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah
حسبى ربى جل الله
Before Him there were none

Of partners He has none
He knows what is apparent and what is hidden
All the fate of creation has already been written
His Will is always doneAnd can never be undone
هو الاول ليس قبله شيىء
ليس له شريك فى الملك
يعلم السر وما يخفى

بيده كتبت اقدار الخلق
My Lord is enough for me,
Glory be to Allah

حسبى ربى جل الله
From amongst all humansMuhammad was chosen

He was illiterate and he was an orphan
Yet Allah sent him to those who were pagans
Oh Allah let us drinkFrom his hand in the heaven
من بين جميع الخلق
اختار محمد(صلى الله عليه وسلم
النبى الأمــي اليتيم
لكنـه (عزوجل) ارسله لاولئك الكافرين
يالله اسقنا من يده الشريفه فى الجنة
My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah
حسبى ربى جل الله
Ya Allah You’re the Sovereign

You’re the Sultan of Sultans
Please protect me from Shaytan and all of his treason

Let him not with his whispers my iman ever weaken

My only wish in this lifeIs to attain Your Pardon
ياالله انت الملك
انت ملك الملـــــــــوك
احمنى من همزات الشيطان واتباعه
امنيتى الوحيده فى هذه الحياه
ان تمنحنى عفــــــــوك
My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah
حسبــى ربـــــي جل اللــه.
لا اله الا الله عدد ماكان وعدد مايكون , وعدد الحركات والسكون

اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على سيدنا (مُحــمــد )فى الاولين والاخرين

وعلى اله واصحابه اجمعيــن.

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